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Sleigh Bed High Back

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Quick Overview

The High Back Sleigh Bed is our premium sleigh design with the whole ends hand-carved into the elegant curves of the sleigh design and substantial arms to either side.
Available in three colours: Light, Medium and Rich Mahogany

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The High Back Sleigh Bed is our premium design.  It is about 7cm taller than the classic French sleigh bed and features substantial arms made from curved sections of solid mahogany 5cm thick.  But the big difference that makes the High Back stand out are the hand-carved panels of the headboard and footboard which are shaped into the curve of the sleigh.  The result is a bed with elegant curves and a substantial frame that benefits from a room where you have room to admire it from all angles.

The bed is raised on curved bracket feet and the mattress (which we can supply separately) is set on slats.  The bed is entirely handmade in solid mahogany.

The main sizes are given in the "Additional Information" tab.  The height of the footboard is 86cm and teh height to the slatted base is 33cm.

Customer Reviews

Beautiful Sleigh Bed Review by Mark - Oxford
Overall Rating
We thought long and hard about the sleigh bed that we wanted, and finding Anderson Bradshaw really helped us. There was a good amount of stock at the showroom (not just beds) and we thought the 'high back' was beautiful. It was delivered yesterday and we are absolutely delighted with our choice. (Posted on 20/09/2023)
High Quality Mahogany Sleigh Bed Review by Bruce East Sussex
Overall Rating
This is a fantastic product for a very reasonable price. The design and finish are beautiful and this bed would add a touch of class to any bedroom setting. [...] (Posted on 28/01/2024)
A bed so elegant in its simplicity Review by Graeme Santa (in my new sleigh bed) - Fernhurst
Overall Rating
We went into the showroom on Saturday, a lot of stock on display, which was a pleasant suprise.Looked at the 3 sleigh beds, and even though I was initially against the high back, I was won over once I saw it in the flesh (wood?) and the 3 different finishes available.A very simple, elegant design, in a beautiful mahogany wood. The carving is exceptional, a true credit to the craftsman who make them. We have gone for the lighter coloured of the 3 finishes[...] (Posted on 28/01/2024)

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Product Code BED10
Width Single 104cm | Double 150cm | King 164cm | Super King 193cm
Height Single 106cm | Double 106cm | King 106cm | Super King 106cm
Depth Single 213cm | Double 213cm | King 220cm | Super King 220cm